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Frequently asked questions

what breeds of dogs do you currently breed?

We currently breed cavoodles, spoodles, groodles and occasionally will have pure litters of cavalier king Charles spaniels and miniature poodles.


do you have any puppies available?

We recommend that you contact us via email or FB messenger to see what our current availability is like. We do run from a waitlist but with members wanting their pups at different states we recommend that you get in touch to check what the current wait time.


How long is the waitlist?

Depending on the breed and your colour and gender preference, it shouldn't be longer than 3-6 months from joining the waitlist, however it is usually less than and often have puppies available as soon as families are ready.

How much are your puppies?

All our babies are $4500 (incl GST) as of 1st July 2022 and current (2024). 

How do I get on your waitlist?

All our waitlists are currently open. Please go the "About" page for the breed you are looking to own and click the "Application Form" button at the bottom of the page.

What is the difference in temperament between male and female dogs?

​Generally, males tend to be a bit more docile, loyal and ‘trainable” than females. Most assistance dog trainers recommend male dogs for training. However, each puppy’s personality is different and most of our babies are very even-tempered and we don’t often have any that are particularly quiet or shy. Females are also very loving and the breeds themselves are very sweet, affectionate and loyal, regardless of gender.

do your puppies come with papers?

​Your "Oodle" puppy will come with lots of paperwork such as a microchip form, health check papers. We also will supply you with information on your puppy’s parents and their health testing results if requested.

what DNA testing do you do?

We do a full DNA genetic disease panel that is associated with that particular breed o all our breeding dogs. We do this with Orivet Genetic Pet Care. Our CKCSs are also heart-cleared yearly, and our Mini Poodle sires and Cocker Spaniels have had their hips and elbows scored and passed. Our Poodles are also cleared for Luxating Patellas.

what guarantee will I get that my puppy is healthy?

We only breed from parents that are vaccinated yearly and are in perfect health and clear of inherited diseases and conditions. We also only breed from parents that have proven to have good, sound, happy confident temperaments and personalities. We will also never breed from a dog that has allergies of any sort. Although there is never any guarantee that a puppy is going to be born 100% healthy and clear of inherited conditions an adult, along with our DNA testing and clearance of parents and breeding only healthy, happy, sound dogs with fantastic temperaments - we do our best to eliminate any chances of breeding puppies that are nothing but sound of mind, sound of body.

Our babies are also checked every week from birth, by a Veterinarian and they get a full health clearance with a Veterinarian signed 10 point health checklist before going to their new homes.

I've messaged you and I haven't received a reply - have you received my email?

We generally aim to respond to emails within 2-3 days. If you haven't received a reply, please follow up with another email or facebook message just in case we have managed to miss it.

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